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Conservation Music Malawi is a new kid on the block. It is built on the basis of using the art of music to protect the environment and other natural resources, including wild animals. Our Arts Editor EDITH GONDWE caught up with the secretary for the organisation Wezzie Chisenga to get a detailed introduction of the new organisation.

Chisenga: We utilise the power of art to deliver environmental education

Q: Tell us a brief background of Conservation Music Malawi?

A: Conservation Music Malawi is an affiliate of Conservation Music Global, established in December 2018 with the aim of promoting sustainable environmental management operating on voluntary basis. Conservation Music Malawi utilises the power of art to deliver environmental education with the vision of building a global community that looks after the earth, in which the memorable, emotional, and unifying power of art contributes to the balance between human kind, nature, and society. We work with different artists of different genres and collaborate with like–minded organisations to promote sustainable environmental management.

Q: What major activities are you currently involved in?

A: Conservation Music Malawi is mostly involved in awareness campaigns, capacity building and environmental conservation. We are involved with Mkango The Pride of Malawi project, Tikonzekere arts (flood vulnerability preparedness), waste management activities at arts festivals such as Lake of Stars and the recently held Ghetto Festival. We are also working on a new song titled Titeteze.

Q: What plans do you have for the future?

A: We are looking forward to collaborating with both established and up-and-coming artists. We are working on conservation music video to be beamed at arts festivals as well as performing waste management services at such events. Most importantly, Conservation Music continues to partner with like-minded organisations in environmental conservation campaigns.

Q: How effectively can we use music to help promote conserving the environment?

A: The planet cannot speak for itself. The music industry has vast influence and resources that can be put to work for the planet. We intend to facilitate that realisation worldwide. It’s time to make this responsibility known by the industry itself, and to make it easy for the music scene to take part in saving our planet and protecting its people.

Q: How do you plan to work with established musicians?

A: Our skilled team of facilitators collaborates with artists all over the world to create something unique with a powerful message. For instance, recently we have partnered with Lilongwe Wildlife Trust (LWT) on Mkango: The Pride of Malawi campaign in which we have worked with Janta and Tigris. The song is aimed at inspiring tolerance, respect and pride for lions. Lions are the pride of Malawi and our pledge is to protect them. They have to be safe, even in the face of adversity.

Q: Any final remarks?

A: Apart from music, Conservation Music also develops classroom materials to encourage fun, engaging and versatile eco-education for teachers in our programme countries and around the world. We lead all sorts of live workshops, concerts and other events to benefit musicians, communities, schools and all people interested in the union of music with the environment.

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